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Empowering Cancer Patients, Survivors & Previvors!


Let’s support women and men helping Canadian women and men!

We are a passionate group of women and men Directors and volunteers helping Canadian women and men affected by cancer. Lifting each other up is such a powerful way to show our strength in the face of adversities like cancers associated with BRCA gene mutations, which are breast, ovarian, prostate and pancreatic cancers. While science continues to make strides in this battle, we still lose too many women and men in Canada to these devastating diseases. It’s clear we still have vital work to do.

What are people saying?

Real words from real survivors!
  • The Annie Parker Foundation is an incredible source of information and support for women and men and their families to learn, heal and be empowered throughout their cancer journey. It is a fantastic organization!
  • I experienced the most amazing time speaking at the very first S.T.A.R.S. (Survivors Tell A Real Story) performance to benefit the Annie Parker Foundation, hosted by the incredible Beverly Thomson. As an ovarian cancer survivor who opted for fertility-sparing surgery, the event was extra special in that my young daughter, Alethea, was able to share the stage with me. My story is proof that profound transformation really can emerge from adversity. I’ve achieved a beautiful life, and done a fair amount of good, by surviving my failures. And I’ve moved from despair into resilience—by finding meaning in helping others. Thank you Annie and your team, for making S.T.A.R.S. so special: you’ve successfully brought together inspiring survivors whose stories provide mentorship, inspiration, and hope to those around them.
  • I am humbled, honored and blessed to be a board member of the Annie Parker Foundation. Having the opportunity to support the amazing Annie Parker in her endless pursuit of help, support, financial aid and simply words of encouragement for warriors of cancer is rewarding beyond words! She is a shining light and a beacon of hope for those who need it most. The ones we love who have the misfortune of taking the cancer journey. God bless you Annie Parker!
    Gerry PhillipsPhillips Financial Group
  • Dear Ms. Parker, I am very honoured and immensely thankful to accept the treatment. Without your help it wouldn’t be possible. I am sorry to learn that you had to experience how devastating this disease can be. People like you inspire me, and give me hope. Forever grateful,
  • Thank you so much for this funding for my Paxman treatments. It is very generous and MOST appreciated! I am not even telling many of my friends about my diagnosis thus far. In fact, using the Paxman cap system is very important for me in that if I don't lose my hair, I won't stand out as a patient.
  • Dear Ms. Parker, I'm sure many struggle with knowing how to say thank-you for such generous assistance to their cancer journey and care. I am no different than them, and want to simply say that I receive this with so much gratitude. I will do everything I can to be an ambassador for you and your foundation through my journey and beyond. Thank you for the work that you do, I know it makes a difference to so many people. With the utmost regard,

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